Government of Ireland Postgraduate Scholarship Scheme 2016
Government of Ireland Postgraduate Scholarship Scheme 2016
Update: 15 July 2016
The assessment process for the Government of Ireland Postgraduate Scholarship Scheme 2016 has now been completed. As per our previous notification, the Round 2 (final) outcome for STEM applications will be communicated to applicants next week (week commencing 18 July 2016).
The Council will issue contract letters and award acceptance forms via email to successful AHSS and STEM applicants during the week beginning 25 July. Acceptance forms should be returned in hard copy to the Council no later than Wednesday, 17 August. The Council will also require non-returnable certified hard copies of year-by-year academic record/qualification(s) as outlined in applications.
Feedback will be issued to all applicants during the week beginning 15 August.
We would kindly remind all applicants to ensure that their email and postal addresses are up to date on the online application system.
Thinking about applying?
The Irish Research Council has opened the 2016 call for the Government of Ireland Postgraduate Scholarship Scheme. The Terms and Conditions for the scheme are available for download at the bottom of this page.
Applications (including Supervisor and Referee Forms) will only be accepted through the online application system. As an aid to preparing an application, an indicative Word document version of the application form is provided below. Indicative Supervisor and Referee forms are also provided.
Please note that for reasons of transparency and fairness for all applicants, the Council will not enter into email, written or telephone correspondence with any individual applicant about the assessment process or their eligibility to apply.
Applicants should review all available documentation on our website in order to answer any queries they may have.
If you do not find the answer to your query in the available documentation, you should contact the Research Office (i.e. the office of the Vice-President/Dean of Research/Head of Development as applicable) in your proposed institution. The Research Office will be able to provide information and clarification on the call. Research Offices may send any queries they are unable to clarify with the subject ‘GOI Postgrad 2016 FAQ’. A set of FAQs will then be posted on this webpage below.
All queries must be submitted through this FAQ process.
Description of Government of Ireland Postgraduate Scholarship Scheme
The Government of Ireland Postgraduate Scholarship Scheme offers scholarships for suitably qualified individuals to pursue a Research Masters or a PhD (either traditional or structured) in any discipline at an eligible HEI within Ireland. The Council does not fund taught Masters.
In addition, a number of targeted Scholarships are offered in collaboration with our strategic funding partners. Applicants may only apply for one Scholarship and should carefully consider which Scholarship to apply for. Full descriptions of each of the Strategic Funding Partner scholarships can be found in the Appendices of the Scheme Terms & Conditions.
Application process
Please see the Application Flowchart 2016 document below for a diagram of the application and assessment process.
Applications (including Supervisor and Referee Forms) will only be accepted through the online application system.
An indicative Word document version of the application form is provided below. Indicative Supervisor and Referee forms are also provided. These forms are for information purposes: all applicants (and Supervisors and Referees) must register and submit their applications through the online system and in advance of the deadlines below.
Important Dates
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Call open
26 November 2015
FAQ Deadline
16.00 (Irish time) 27 January 2016
Applicant Deadline
16.00 (Irish time) 3 February 2016
Supervisor and Referee Deadline
16.00 (Irish time) 10 February 2016
Research Office Endorsement Deadline
16.00 (Irish time) 17 February 2016
Outcome of Scheme
July 2016
Scholarship Start Date
1 October 2016
Government of Ireland Postgraduate Scholarship Scheme 2016
Reviewed by Opportunity Hill
1:51:00 AM