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MBA (Global) Scholarship


- MBA (Global) Scholarship

Status: Open
Applications open: 05/09/2016
Applications close: 09/01/2017

About this scholarship

Description/Applicant information
The MBA (Global) Future Leaders Scholarship has been developed by Curtin University to encourage and support academically talented students to commence the MBA (Global) at Curtin University.
Student type
  • Future Students
  • Curtin Business School
Course type
  • Postgraduate Coursework
Non-gender specific
  • Australian Citizen
  • Permanent Humanitarian Visa
  • New Zealand Citizen
  • International students
  • Australian Permanent Resident
Scholarship base
  • Merit Based
Maximum number awarded
This scholarship will provide the following support for the expected duration of the MBA (Global) for up to a maximum of 2 years (based on a full-time load of 100 credits per semester):
  • 50% of the student tuition fees* of the MBA (Global) each semester
*The fee component of the scholarship will be paid directly to the student fee account in two instalments per year to be paid prior to the census date relevant to each enrolled semester. 
Eligible courses
Eligibility criteria
Applicants must meet ALL of the following criteria to be eligible to apply for a MBA (Global) Scholarship:
  • Receive an offer of place into the MBA (Global) in Semester 1, 2017
  • Completed an undergraduate degree with distinction or equivalent
  • Not to be in receipt of any other Curtin funded scholarships
  • Not to be in receipt of any other sponsorship
Please note:
  • Students with credit for recognised learning (CRL) are not eligible.
  • Deferral of this scholarship is not permitted.

Conditions that need to be met to keep your scholarship
Applicants must meet ALL of the following:
  • Remain enrolled in initial course of study
  • Maintain a full-time study load of at least 100 credit points each semester at Curtin University
  • Maintain a course weighted average (CWA) of at least 70 each semester
  • Pass all units attempted each semester
  • Provide mentorship to new MBA (Global) students in consultation with the MBA (Global) Director, after the completion of your first semester and for the duration of your studies.
Scholarship continuity is subject to meeting satisfactory academic progress as outlined above. Progress will be assessed at the end of each study period.  Unless there are exceptional circumstances, a recipient with unsatisfactory progress or who breaches the scholarship conditions shall be ineligible to retain the scholarship. Exceptional circumstances must be forwarded to and shall be at the discretion of the Scholarships Office in consultation with a representative of the School of Business.
Changes to enrolment
If a recipient intends to do any of the following they must also apply in writing to the Scholarships Office ( for approval BEFORE the change. The Scholarships Office will advise how the change will affect their scholarship.
Change of course is not permitted.
Leave of Absence is not permitted.
Withdrawal or Terminated from units or course: A recipient who withdraws from their units or course of study, or has been terminated from studies will become ineligible for continuation of the scholarship, will not receive any further payments and will be required to repay to Curtin University the stipend awarded for that study period if applicable.

How to apply

Application process
Step 1: Download
  • Application form and guide available to download from right hand side of this page when scholarship is open for application
Step 2: Complete
  • Important information such as documentation requirements are detailed in the application form
Step 3: Submit
  • Closing date listed at top of page and on application form
  • Late or incomplete applications will be assessed as ineligible
Step 4: Receipt
  • Application receipt sent to email provided on application form within 10 working days of receiving application
Step 5: Assessment
  • Applications will be assessed by an assessment panel using the following criteria:
    • Responses to questions and selection criteria in application form
    • Academic merit
    • Interview via phone or Skype (for shortlisted candidates only)
Step 6: Outcome
  • Outcome sent via email within 2 weeks after the closing date (all successful and unsuccessful applicants notified)
Step 7: Acceptance
  • Successful applicants must return acceptance documents within 2 weeks of scholarship offer
Please note:
  • Scholarship will be awarded if there are applicants of sufficient merit
  • Scholarship will commence from first semester of study
  • Scholarship is not transferrable to another major, course or university
Applications must be submitted in the following ways:(Submit your completed application with all the required documentation)
Subject Title: 2017 Semester 1 - MBA (Global) Scholarship, Student Number (if known), Full-name
Accepted Formats are:
1. PDF (preferred)
3. JPG
4. DOC
All other formats will NOT be accepted
Curtin University
School of Management
Building 408
Kent Street
Bentley WA 6102
Fax:Fax Number: 08 9266 7897
Please attach a front cover page containing
1. Student Name
2. Student Number (if known)
3. Number of pages faxed
In Person:
Curtin University
School of Management
Building 408
Kent Street
Please note:
All applications must be signed.

Need more information?

Scholarships Office
T: (08) 9266 2992

Further information
Students may apply for as many scholarships as they are eligible for however, will only be awarded up to one Curtin funded continuing scholarship.  A continuing scholarship is defined as a scholarship that has more than two payments.  A Curtin funded scholarship is a scholarship that is solely funded by Curtin.
For further information about holding more than one scholarship contact
For advice on your Centrelink payments and how your scholarship could affect your payment please see  or contact a Centrelink Office.  If you require a letter about your scholarship for Centrelink, please contact the Scholarships Office. 
Generally scholarship money paid to full-time students is not treated as taxable income, however if your study load is less than 75 credits (part-time) your scholarship money is not tax exempt. Other than the full-time study requirement, the general rule is that scholarships are exempt from taxation unless:
  • It is a condition of the scholarship that a recipient is required to undertake activities that are of use, help or benefit to the scholarship provider - then the student is rendering a service by agreeing to undertake those activities;
  • An award is received by a student where the scholarship is not provided principally for educational purposes.
  • During or upon completion of the degree for which the scholarship is awarded a candidate is required to become, or shall continue to be, an employee of the funding body; or
The Australian Tax Office has a tool to help you determine if your scholarship is taxable.  For expert advice please contact the Australian Taxation Office or your accountant when completing your annual Tax Return.  If a letter regarding your scholarship is required for taxation purposes, please contact the Scholarships Office.
MBA (Global) Scholarship Reviewed by Opportunity Hill on 12:18:00 AM Rating: 5
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