MRIWA 2016 – 2017 PhD Scholarship Program
MRIWA 2016 – 2017 Scholarship Program
International and Domestic Applicants
PhD Research Scholarships
in projects aligning with MRIWA’s Research Priority Plan
Available for new projects beginning after Jan. 1. 2017 and within 6 months of that date -
- 4 PhD research scholarships @ no less than $30,000 annually
- 1 Directors PhD scholarship @ no less than $40,000 in one of the fields of
In Situ Leaching Data Analytics Scale up from Bench to Production
Application Process - Obligatory
- Formal application for enrolment and scholarship through each university’s enrolment/application portal: Curtin University, Edith Cowan University, Murdoch University and The University of Western Australia.
- Expression of Interest necessary to MRIWA at, as early as possible and no later than October 31, 2016.
EOI to include
- Name, residential address, contact telephone number and email
- University Academic Record
- Letters of reference from 2 academics familiar with your career
- One-page description of research proposal with a signed
endorsement from proposed research supervisor, with their university and faculty
Closing dates as per university. Overall closing date for MRIWA, 31 October 2016.
Honours Research- Odwyn Jones Awards – Closed
For further information please contact MRIWA on 08 6180 4340 or email
MRIWA 2016 – 2017 PhD Scholarship Program
Reviewed by Opportunity Hill
11:11:00 AM