The Santander Masters Scholarships are funded by Santander and aim to assist academically able students from some Latin American and European countries to study for a taught masters degree at the University of Northampton.
The University awards five scholarships per year which are worth £5,000 in the form of a discount in tuition fees.

Students who are nationals of the following countries are eligible:

  • Argentina
  • Brazil
  • Chile
  • Colombia
  • Mexico
  • Portugal
  • Puerto Rico
  • Spain
  • Uruguay
  • USA
Candidates must also be a graduate of a university included on the list of ‘Santander Universities’, available on Santander’s website.
Santander Masters Scholarships are for one year only and cannot be deferred to a later year.

How to apply

Applicants need to have formally accepted an offer from the University of Northampton. You then need to complete the Santander scholarshipapplication form. Applications for January 2017 will need to be submitted by 30 November 2016.

How the University chooses candidates

Candidates are selected for their academic excellence. We will use the information you provide in the separate scholarship application form to judge your application together with your original course application. Financial circumstances are not taken into account for these awards.
The University of Northampton
In choosing between candidates of equal academic excellence, we will aim to award the scholarships to candidates from at least three different Santander network countries.

Can I have more than one scholarship?

You can combine this scholarship with another partial scholarship from another organisation, provided that together they do not exceed the cost of your fees.
For further information on applying for the Northampton Santander Masters Scholarship, please email our international officer responsible for Latin America.