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Youth to Youth Brunch was established as a follow-up event of the Y2Y Summit 2015. After hosting inspiring speakers, we have discovered that our participants want to discuss further issues that matter to youth. So we decided to help them to host non-formal conversations with such inspirational speakers at any place in the world.
The process of organizing a brunch in association with Youth to Youth Initiative is easy and fun as if you were organizing a meet up with your friends, only that this one is always full with not only some pastries and a cup of coffee, but food for thoughts too.
What do you need to do, if you want to host a Y2Y Brunch?
Find a venue which would be suitable for having a conversation with a cup of coffee and some pastries. Select the topic of the discussion together with Y2Y team. Invite an inspirational speaker Invite people to your brunch and get ready for fruitful and interesting discussions :) Let's brunch together and inspire each other!
If this sounds something for you, please contact Y2Y Brunch Coordinator Karolina Mazetyte and she will provide you with the Toolkit and Useful Information on How to organize a Y2Y Brunch.

Toolkit to Y2Y Brunch with a speaker

Youth to Youth Brunches

YOUTH TO YOUTH BRUNCH Reviewed by Opportunity Hill on 11:40:00 AM Rating: 5
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